TriVisc Viscometer Technology



Repeatable and Accurate measurement is the key to establishing tight trend lines.  In Used Oil Analysis, a developing problem will be apparent much earlier if the trend line is flat.  Constantly having to recalibrate your viscometer makes it difficult to produce a flat trend line.  With the TriVisc technology, you will rarely have to recalibrate the viscometer.


TriVisc Sensor Technology

The TriVisc's viscometer tubes and measurement sensors are a unique design, capable of verifying the accuracy of each viscosity measurement. This is done automatically, in a single pass, for every sample. Now, you can use one viscometer tube size for all your oil samples without sacrificing accuracy.

Our design minimizes the high maintenance requirements of some viscometer designs, yet maintains high accuracy.












JOAP Viscometer

Our new 2-piece sensor is capable of measuring three properties of viscous fluid flow described by Poiseuille's Equation :

Q = pr4(P1-P2)/(8hl)

When an oil sample is measured, three properties are compared to the NIST traceable viscosity standards used to calibrate the TriVisc.  A proprietary mathematical calculation is performed to determine the Confidence Factor.  Physical phenomena which modify the flow characteristics will introduce errors into the viscosity calculation and lower the Confidence Factor.

(P1 - P2) - is the pressure difference induced by gravity on one end and a vent on the other.  Small amounts of water boiling out of the sample, or entrained gases escaping will effect this term.  Even a restriction in a valve or improper cleaning will have an effect.  The TriVisc looks for this to be constant throughout the measurement phase.

r4 is the capillary tube radius.  Radius changes are raised the 4th power!  Soot and insoluble contamination on the capillary wall will effect this constant.  Temporary partial blockages from debris will reduce the cross sectional area effecting this term.  The TriVisc will detect when the tube has become too dirty to perform accurate measurements.

Q is a the volumetric flow rate.  Conventional viscometers factor only this term into their calculations.  A Start Sensor and a Stop Sensor are used to time how long it takes to fill a bulb in the glass.  Using this term alone will make your measurements prone to error.

The TriVisc uses all three flow properties to calculate the Confidence Factor.